Power BI Dashboards
Displaying Power BI Dashboards using the Media Repository, Website App and Web Screenshots
Upload Microsoft Power BI Media Files to the TelemetryTV interface
In TelemetryTV, you can upload Power BI files and display them as slides in your playlists. This feature allows you to share your PowerBI visualizations and reports on your digital signage screens. To add Power BI files using the Media Uploader, follow the instructions below.
Required File Types
Before proceeding, make sure to export your Power BI files from the Microsoft Power BI application as either PPT or PDF files.
- Export Power BI Files: To export a Power BI file for uploading to TelemetryTV, open the Microsoft Power BI application and load the desired file. From the application's menu or toolbar, navigate to the Export or Save As option. Select either PPT or PDF as the export format, and save the exported file to a location on your local device.
- Access the Media Repository: Log in to your TelemetryTV account and navigate to the dashboard, then click the Media tab in the top navigation menu.
- Upload the Power BI File: Within the Media interface, click the Select button. Then select the exported Power BI file (PPT or PDF) from your local device.
- Adjust the Slide Rotation Duration: Go to the Playlist interface by clicking on the Playlist tab in the top navigation menu. Add the uploaded Power BI slide as content to your playlist. In the Interval field, specify the duration of slide rotation in seconds.
This value determines the amount of time each slide is displayed before moving on to the next one.
That's it! Your Power BI slides are now added to your playlist and are displayed on your digital signage screens. Make sure to adjust the interval duration according to your desired slide rotation speed.
View Microsoft Power BI Dashboards Using the Website App
To add Microsoft Power BI URLs to TelemetryTV, you need to follow the same steps as adding any other Website App on TelemetryTV. However, there are some important things to consider when adding to ensure that they work properly on TelemetryTV.
First, make sure that your Power BI URL is published and public and private URLs are accessible. To publish your Power BI report, go to the Power BI service, click the report you want to publish, and then click the Publish button.
For more information on how to obtain a Power BI URL, please visit the Microsoft Website at this link.
Once your Power BI report is published and public, follow these steps to add it to TelemetryTV:
- Log in to your TelemetryTV account and navigate to the Apps tab in the left-hand toolbar.
- Click the Create button to launch the application list.
- Once you select the Website App, a list of Website Properties are displayed on the right which you need to configure.
- Add a name for your app in the Label section.
- Paste the URL of your published Power BI report in the URL section.
- Select Live Webpage as the Embed Mode. Your Power BI report is displayed live on TelemetryTV. Or select Capture as Image to capture an image of your report periodically every time the Refresh Interval elapses.
- Select a Size based on the screen resolution for displaying the Power BI report.
- Save your settings and add the Website App to your TelemetryTV playlist.
That's it! Your Power BI report should now be displayed live on TelemetryTV. If you have any issues, make sure that your Power BI report is published and public, and try adjusting the settings in the Website Properties section of the Website App.
View Microsoft Power BI Visuals Using Web Screenshots
In addition to using the Website App, you can also capture Power BI files and display them on your digital signage.
To view Microsoft Power BI files using Web Screenshots, follow these steps:
- Click the Web Screenshots option on the left-hand side menu, and click the Create button.
- Enter the URL for your Power BI file in the URL field.
Using the Correct URL
Ensure that you enter the URL for the Power BI file and not the URL for the Power BI service. For more information, please see visit Microsoft’s website to view how to obtain a URL for Power BI files
- In the Delay field, enter the number of seconds and milliseconds you want the Web Screenshots to wait before capturing the screenshot. This is useful if you need to allow time for the Power BI file to load before taking the screenshot.
- Users can also customize the size and orientation of the Web Screenshot.
- Click the Capture Web Screenshot button.
- You can now add the Web Screenshot to a playlist of your choosing
That's it! You have successfully uploaded a Power BI file using Web Screenshots. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact our support team.
Updated 8 months ago