Metrics Linechart App

How to use the Metrics Linechart app

What is the Metrics Linechart App?

This widget allows you to generate a line chart with metrics data. Number only (with a set bucket/range) or Set (of numbers). The widget displays the changes of the value of a number metric over time, or plots the values of a set (equally spaced, and in order). You can select from a variety of chart types within this widget, such as scatter plot or area.

Adding the Metrics Linechart App

To get started with the Metrics Linechart App, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the lefthand taskbar navigate to the Apps tab.
  2. Select the Metrics Linechart App from the available list of apps under Metrics, or click the Create button to select a new app.
  3. The configuration pane opens on the right side of the screen, .

Configuring Your Metrics Linechart App

Configuring the Metrics Linechart App: Now that you've added the Metrics Linechart App, it's time to set it up to meet your preferences.

Here's how:


  • App Label: Add an App Label to identify this App from others in your list.


  • Title: Enter a title for your new app.
  • Baseline: From this drop-down menu, select the baseline for the linechart. Options are either Dynamic or Zero. This affects where the baselines starts from on the linechart.
  • Grid Lines: From this drop-down menu, select the type of grid lines you want on the linechart. Options are Horizontal, Vertical, or Both.
  • Y-Axis Options: Enter a number for the Min Scale of the y-axis, as well as the Y-Axis Min and Y-Axis Max. These options display the scale for the y-axis.
  • Y-Axis Labels: From this drop-down menu select how the y-axis labels will be displayed. Can be Auto, None, or Custom.
  • Value Format: Allows customization of the data presentation format within the widget. Users can specify a symbol to prepend data (for example, currency symbol or temperature unit) and define rounding rules for numeric values
  • X-Axis Labels: From this drop-down menu select how the x-axis labels will be displayed. Can be Auto, None, or Custom.
  • Series Section: The series section allows you to customize sections of the linechart. You can add multiple series to the chart.
    • Metric Source: The source of the data displayed within the widget. Determines how the metric data is fetched and updated.
    • Chart Type: From this drop-down menu, select the chart type you want to display for this series. Options are Spline, Line, Area, Scatter, Bar, Stacked Bar, or Horizontal Bar.
    • Color: Customization of the chart's color scheme, facilitating visual differentiation and thematic consistency.
    • Show Legend: Click this radio button to either show the legend on the chart or hide it.
    • Add Series Button:Click this button to add another series to a section of the chart.
  • Add Line Chart: Click this button to add another linechart to the widget.
  • Remove Metrics Title: Provides the option to hide the application title during playback, offering a more streamlined visual presentation.
  • Transition Animation: This drop-down menu allows you to set the transition effect between items.


  • Default Background: Select a background for this app.
  • Hide Background Box: Toggle this to hide the semi-transparent background box around your content.

Once you are done, click the Create button to finish setting up the app and it is now ready to use on your Playlist.

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