Features and Changes

  1. Single Play Manual Overrides [ENG-715] - Added an option to a manual override to include a new Show For drop-down menu option. It includes Automatic (default), Duration, and Until Stopped options.
    1. Automatic: Plays a video once or displays to completion and then dismissed.
    2. Duration: Includes an input in seconds to display the override, and then automatically shut down.
    3. Until Stopped: Plays until it is manually stopped.
  2. Override By Device Improvement [ENG-720] - The Override by Device option was relying on the existing device, but deleting a device does not depend on the override, which displayed warnings when a device was deleted and the override pointed to it. We have adjusted the warning text to specify the override name and action required (selecting a device).
  3. Webapp Zip File Upload Removing Build Options [ENG-757] - we removed the build options for any uploaded zip file in our Webapps. It now assumes the root of the uploaded folder is the publish directory.
  4. Create Webapp Source Selection Section [ENG-771] - Selecting a source type for your Webapp is now a larger section on the Add Webapp dialog, allowing users to select their source type more easily. GIT, Upload, and Editor selections are now large clickable buttons on the dialog.
  5. Rework Playbacks in Playlist Section [ENG-382] - Previously playbacks on the Playlist page duplicated the playbacks on the Devices page. We have now removed the duplicates in the current Playlist for a better experience.
  6. Changing Billing Plan Not Changing on Plan Column [ENG-710] - If you tried to change your plan from the Billing Plan drop-down menu, the changed plan was not reflected on the Plan Column, which still displayed the old plan until you refreshed the page. Now the Plan Column updates immediately, reflecting your change.
  7. Remove Google Drive Integration [ENG-713] - We no longer support Google Drive integration, including uploading media from Google Drive.
  8. Android Reduce Checking Internet Screen [ENG-434] - Android devices were displaying a long message on screen Checking for Internet Connection for 60 seconds before loading offline content. This delay was shortened so when devices go offline or restarted there is only a few second delay.
  9. Move Playlist Content Tabs to Left Side of Screen [ENG-769] - There was very little room left at the top of the screen for more tabs so they have been moved to the left side of the screen for a better experience and room for future expansion.


  1. Web Screenshot Stuck on Processing [ENG-415]
    1. Creating a Web Screenshot could get stuck if taking web screenshots of frequently updated websites or replacing an existing web screenshot. This has been updated so that web screenshots no longer have any issues when processing.
  2. Request Failed with Status Code 500 [ENG-725]
    1. A status code 500 could be displayed if a device was out of date.
  3. Incorrect Number of Devices in Log [ENG-731]
    1. It was possible to have a log display 0 active devices instead of reflecting the current number of devices. The log now correctly displays the correct number of devices.
  4. Uploader Issues with Different File Types [ENG-606]
    1. When trying to upload using the Upload option and using multiple file types, it was possible to get an error. The uploader now works correctly when uploading various file types.
  5. Editable Folder Renaming and Creating Subfolders [ENG-676]
    1. Users are able to rename any folder they can access and edit. They can also create subfolders in that main folder and rename those subfolders.
  6. Device List UI Button Display Issue [ENG-721]
    1. The tab selector was not displayed correctly when the browser window was resized very small. It now displays correctly no matter what browser size is set.
  7. Playlist Folder Disappeared After Renaming by Non-Admin User [ENG-645]
    1. When a non-admin user renamed a playlist folder, it was possible that folder would disappear for any view-only user. Now if you can create a folder then you can rename it as well (without it disappearing), depending on your permissions.
  8. Webview Version Testing [ENG-580]
    1. Tested the CE Labs device with an updated version of ChromeOS to fix any video/media rendering issues.
  9. Issues Switching Customer Account Plans [ENG-707]
    1. There was an issue when switching a customer account from one plan to another. The plan would not change. This has now been fixed and switching plans works as intended.
  10. Customer Billing Issue [ENG-701]
    1. A customer account was not displaying the correct number of devices so was not being billed correctly. This has been fixed.
  11. Webhooks Return Error 403 for Required Resources used by Webapp [ENG-788]
    1. Webhooks were returning error 403 when resources were used by a created Webapp. This has been fixed.
  12. Ad Campaigns Inject Advertising Issues [ENG-712]
    1. The Inject Advertising feature was not working as intended so ads were not being displayed when all days was selected. This has been fixed and ads are now displaying correctly when all days is selected.
  13. Enterprise Login Issue [ENG-777]
    1. For 3rd party SAML login, the login screen was not displaying correctly and could give an error. This has been fixed.
  14. Serial Port Radio Button Disabled [ENG-704]
    1. After an update it was possible to have the Serial Port Radio button be disabled (and stay disabled) when it should be enabled. This has been fixed.


Issue: After the last Electron Player release some customers were seeing their 4k resolution change to 1080p without changing any settings.

Resolution: 4k resolution no longer changes and defaults to 1080p after the Electron Player update.


Issue: A billing issue was identified where certain customers were charged for an incorrect number of devices.

Resolution: This issue has been rectified to ensure accurate billing. Customers will now be billed correctly based on the actual number of devices in use.

New Features & Changes

This Electron release has no new features, just the fixes below.


  1. Screen arrangement & rotation on the TelemetryOS (TOS) screen settings were corrected (ENG-519)
  2. Provision Token Configuration: You can now connect to hidden networks using Provisioning Tokens (187093412)
  3. Added error statuses for USB Provisioning for TelemetryOS (TOS) (187055399)
  4. RTSP Streams now render on a single page Playlist as intended (187048876)
  5. Interactive Menu toggle no longer displays multiple times on Electron Player (ENG-528)
  6. Setting Resolution for a device is now possible using the Provisioning JSON file. (ENG-524)

New Features & Changes

  1. Refactored UI Flow for Login/Passkey in My Details [ENG-362]
    1. Improved user interface for a smoother login experience.
  2. Improved Error Logging for Media Files [187056283]
    1. Enhanced error logging to facilitate better debugging of media files.
  3. Enhanced Overrides Feature: Confirmation Pop-up Window [187056332]
    1. Added a confirmation pop-up window for improved user experience and functionality.
  4. Countdown App Update [187056462]
    1. Displayed days instead of hours for durations over 24 hours.
  5. Enhanced Sequential Ad Campaign Playback System [187193422]
    1. Improved playback system for advertising campaigns for a more seamless experience.
  6. Navigation App Availability [187154534]
    1. Made the Navigation app available for all billing plans.
  7. Tag Coercion to Lower Case [187081697]
    1. Automatically converted tags to lower case characters.
  8. Enhanced Billing Plan Upgrade Messaging [186892032]
    1. Improved messaging for billing plan upgrades.
  9. Enhanced Provision Token Configuration [187093412]
    1. TelemetryOS devices can now connect to hidden networks (SSID).
  10. Enabled Advanced Kiosk Integration [187106562]
    1. Enabled the advanced kiosk feature in billing plans.
  11. Estimated Playlist and Media Folder Play Time [186680758]
    1. Added an estimated playtime for playlists and media folders.
  12. Raised Lower App Limits for New Billing Plans [187152182]
    1. Increased app limits for new billing plans.
  13. Skipping Corrupt Videos in Player [187328082]
    1. Allowed skipping of corrupt videos during playback.
  14. Enhanced Web Apps for ZIP Payload Uploads [186639536]
    1. Enabled uploading of ZIP payloads in Web Apps.
  15. Updated Permissions for Non-Admin Users in Settings [ENG-522]
    1. Changed permissions for non-admin users in the Settings section.
  16. Updated Terms of Service Screen Arrangement & Rotation [ENG-519]
    1. Improved layout and rotation for the Terms of Service screen.


  1. Embed Playlists Tab for Elite Billing Plan [186837944]
    1. Changed the Embed Playlists tab so it is not filtered out for the Elite billing plan.
  2. Groups Display Fix [186681052]
    1. Updated Groups to display multiple users correctly.
  3. Ad Slot Thumbnail Visibility [186985040]
    1. Resolved issue with ad slot thumbnails being hidden in the debug console.
  4. MOV File Upload Correction [186952038]
    1. Corrected the issue of no message being displayed when uploading a MOV file.
  5. Video Playback Issue on Display [186384348]
    1. Videos are now playing as intended on the display.
  6. One-Time Token Removal After WebSocket Disconnection [187060952]
    1. Removed one-time tokens after WebSocket connection was disconnected.
  7. Auto-Playing Video in Playlist on Android [186388841]
    1. Updated to ensure videos auto-play correctly in playlists on Android devices.
  8. UpdateAppArgs Devices Fix [186934491]
    1. Changed devices so that no documents result in an empty response for UpdateAppArgs.
  9. Pfolders Device Message Correction [187116648]
    1. Corrected devices receiving messages in Pfolders.
  10. Last Day of Every Month Event Option [187087963]
    1. Enhanced event display for the Last Day of Every Month option.
  11. User Session Logout Issue [187057647]
    1. Resolved issue with user sessions being logged out unexpectedly.
  12. Weather App Template Update [186983933]
    1. Updated Weather App in template-dependent protected fields (EDM Service).
  13. Top 20 Most Used Apps/Items Report Calculation [186896148]
    1. Enhanced calculation for the Top 20 Most Used Apps/Items report.
  14. Group Permissions Scroll Bar in Playlist Folders [187056369]
    1. Moved scroll bar for Group permissions under Playlist folders.
  15. Unable to Serve Resources Messaging [187143037]
    1. Updated file synchronization to resolve this messaging issue.
  16. Advertising Campaigns Layout Issue [187113309]
    1. Resolved issue with the Advertising Campaigns layout.
  17. Playlist Publishing Issue [187210207]
    1. Fixed issue with Playlist publishing not working as intended.
  18. Campaign Content Folder Drop-Down UI Enhancement [187216106]
    1. Enhanced user interface on the campaign content folder drop-down menu.
  19. Metrics Sort by Value Update [187313053]
    1. Updated Metrics to include a Sort by Value property.
  20. Corrupted Videos [187297369]
    1. Corrected any issues with corrupted videos.
  21. Severe Bandwidth Usage of Content Proxy [187296053]
    1. Resolved severe bandwidth usage by the content proxy.
  22. HDMI Toggle Property for Device Defaults [187017840]
    1. Updated HDMI toggle property to always be applied to device defaults.
  23. Standard Billing Plan Change to Trial [187094274]
    1. Enhanced the Standard billing plan to allow changing to the Trial version.
  24. WebSocket Timeout for Devices [187170061]
    1. Updated WebSocket timeout settings for devices in organizations.
  25. API Timeout Improvements [ENG-539]
    1. Improved API timeouts for better performance.

New Features & Changes

  1. Implement Display Connectivity Monitoring for TelemetryOS Devices [186357077]
  2. Enhance Support for Additional EAP-TTLS Authentication Methods in WPA2 Enterprise WiFi [186837944]
  3. Improved Icons for Inputs on Network Setup Screen for TelemetryOS [186680531]
  4. Implement Startup Screen for Electron Player Application [186924066]
  5. Include Signal Strength Alongside SSID Selection in TelemetryOS Network Settings [186600839]
  6. Prioritize Most Used Timezones at the Top of the List in TelemetryOS Configuration Settings [186946641]
  7. Display TelemetryOS and Electron Player Version on Boot Startup Screen in Electron Player Application [187102887]
  8. Enhance TOS Electron Boot Screen with Provisioning Features [187143197]


  1. Fixed TelemetryOS WiFi Radio Button Automatically Disabling [186379779]
  2. Fixed Stream Crashing on the Live Streaming App [186669459]
  3. Fixed "Mix" Screen Layout Mode for TelemetryOS [186666849]

New Features & Changes

  1. Accept Latitude and Longitude Parameters for Weather App (Weatherbit) [#187062661]


  1. Handling Out-of-Bounds Memory Access in Live Video [#186670941]
  2. Stock App 401 API Error [#186982273]
  3. Ad Injection Failure: Unable to Retrieve Content from Source [#187017467]
  4. Invalid Error in /starting: Non-Error Received in notify() [#186990009]
  5. Unhandled Rejection Error: Request Failed with Status Code 401 (Currency App) [#186739999]

New Features & Changes

  1. Enhanced compatibility with WPA2 Enterprise WiFi networks [#186837944]
  2. Establish Terraform repository for better management of existing repositories [#186361893]
  3. Upgrade MongoDB clusters in non-production environments [#186357032]
  4. Initiate development of SDK Command Line Interface package [#186357108]
  5. User experience improvements for Amazon Fire TV Stick [#186357050]
  6. Update Electron Player's dependencies as recommended by Dependabot [#186463918]
  7. Enhance audit logging features for user activities [#186375157]
  8. Apply a blur effect to advertisement thumbnails in the player when excluded [#186494250]
  9. Introduce feature to display the count of connected displays on TelemetryOS devices [#186357077]
  10. Conduct fourth-quarter penetration testing [#186544299]
  11. Perform web scanning for the fourth quarter [#186544391]
  12. Enable advertisement injection in media folders [#186538652]
  13. Convert Canva designs to images automatically during template duplication [#186494267]
  14. Refresh marketing data and correct broken links on the website [#186511864]
  15. Include dates in exported Advertising Campaign data [#186636120]
  16. Implement a test to verify all links in JavaScript user files [#186548126]
  17. Resolve query timeout issues in the scheduling system [#186423532]
  18. Implement the new hardware page in the Add Device process [#186733222]
  19. Upgrade the MongoDB driver to support the latest target database version [#186357027]
  20. Create a list of files for removal from the default UT8 ROM [#186693307]
  21. Record any changes made to device playlists in the logs [#186680847]
  22. Update and refine API documentation and help guides [#186357064]
  23. Introduce TelemetryOS Mix mode in version 23.11.4 of the player release [#186666849]
  24. Prepare individual branches for MongoDB upgrade across all services [#186793948]
  25. Automate daily bandwidth usage reports [#186633038]
  26. Develop and integrate a new scheduling model and helper functions across services [#186423411]
  27. Transition from node-sass to sass package for better performance [DEV-4781]
  28. Retrieve the events whitelist from the updated CosmicJS source [DEV-4757]
  29. Generate comprehensive reports on total playtime for devices [DEV-4739]
  30. Add support for HDMI Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) [DEV-4603]


  1. Weekly Schedule Recurrence Functionality Fails [DEV-4718]
  2. Comprehensive Issue: Serial Numbers, Restart Problems, Service Worker & Cache Errors [DEV-4712]
  3. Service Worker and Cache Functionality Experiencing Internal Errors [DEV-4711]
  4. MongoDB Command Execution Error [#186870364]
  5. Network Configuration Issues in TelemetryOS Player Version 23.10.1 [#186357059]
  6. Syntax Error in TelemetryOS WIFI Field: Unexpected Characters Found [#186313309]
  7. User Interface: Web App Argument Organization Issues [#186357063]
  8. Player Scheduling Error Causes Duplicate Page Displays [#186314120]
  9. Ad Items Failing to Progress Past Warning Page on Player [#186218687]
  10. Playlist Editor Loading Failures and Unidentified API Errors [#186375361]
  11. Missing "Account" Metadata in BugSnag Reports [#186357041]
  12. Websocket Connection Timing Out [#186368377]
  13. Authentication Failure Due to Premature Client Disconnection [#186367932]
  14. Discrepancies in Ad Campaign Operations [#186218684]
  15. TOS WIFI Selection Automatically Deactivates [#186379779]
  16. Regression Issue: Inaccurate Synchronization of Impression Counters [#186357049]
  17. Folders Not Updating After User Group Deletion [#186357056]
  18. BugSnag Reporting Web Video App Null Property Read Errors [#186230357]
  19. Display Issue of Pairing Code in Playlist Editor (Web App) [#186375433]
  20. Abort Error Encountered in Player Operation [#186397987]
  21. Display Malfunction in Player [#186357061]
  22. Android Boot Crash Fix Implemented [#186369847]
  23. Android Device Settings Reset Issue on Offline Reboot Fixed [#186369921]
  24. String Handling Error in go_services Module [#186439021]
  25. Account Service Operation Error [#186458587]
  26. Webapps API: Preservation of Argument Items with Unset Default Values [#186357042]
  27. Security Update: Upgraded "Axios" to Version 1.6.0 in Player and User App [#186464869]
  28. Player Location Detection Error [#186402668]
  29. Electron and BugSnag Updated to Latest Versions for Enhanced Stability [#186398244]
  30. Deprecated "distinct" Query in MongoDB Addressed in go_services [#186474081]
  31. Examination of SSO Integration Issues with Auth0 [#186521018]
  32. Media Folder's Trash Icon Visibility Issue in Large Group Contexts [#186538068]
  33. Missing "Provisioning" Menu Option in Android Application [#186484959]
  34. Incorrect Icon Display in Android Application [#186484541]
  35. Tap Interaction and Default Page Playback Malfunctions [#186506811]
  36. BugSnag Report: Frequent Cache API Internal Errors [#186431474]
  37. BugSnag Alert: IDB Database Transaction Failures [#186473628]
  38. Webapp-Only Mode Disrupts Provisioning Functionality [#186485833]
  39. Starter Plan Recognition Issue in Affiliate Addition Process [#186526227]
  40. Inaccessible Link to Mele Quieter 3 on Device Addition Page [#186538391]
  41. go_gateway Rate Limiter Experiencing Data Race Condition [#186556676]
  42. Campaign Impression Count Displaying Incorrect Values [#186424621]
  43. Connection Issues in TOS Network Settings [#186438613]
  44. High Bandwidth Usage Due to Service Worker Errors [#186365780]
  45. Admin App Login Failure in Development Environment [#186579109]
  46. Media Subtitles Refactoring for Better Validity Alignment [#186587833]
  47. Style Breakdown in Admin Application [#186534750]
  48. Automatic Campaign Removal Upon Account Deletion Not Working [#186357081]
  49. BugSnag Reporting TypeError in Starting Process - Invalid Version [#186568592]
  50. Media Display Issues Outside Validity Periods [#186532221]
  51. JavaScript TypeError: Undefined 'url' Property Reading Issue [#186619159]
  52. BugSnag: Length Property Undefined Error Report [#186644523]
  53. Websocket Session Management Problem [#186629873]
  54. Android Application Freeze During Reset via TTV Admin App [#186485580]
  55. Expired Session Error Not Redirecting to Login Screen [#186357043]
  56. Incorrect Android App Version Comparison Logic [#186357065]
  57. Android Player Stuck During Cache Key Read Process [#186357066]
  58. Live Streaming Operational Challenges [#186648945]
  59. Auto-Restart Prevention on Application Quit [#186549408]
  60. BugSnag: Missing Restart Method in Android Environment [#186441683]
  61. Video Playback Disruption [#186354469]
  62. Android Devices Unable to Display Videos [#186357080]
  63. Allowing Empty Fields in Webapp Build Configurations [#186662256]
  64. Account Service Error in go_services Module [#186467508]
  65. Data Type Mismatch: Go Value Type Conversion Issue [#186683794]
  66. Missing Kiosk/Navigation Application in Production Environment [#186705750]
  67. BugSnag Report: Incorrect Google Analytics Value in User App [#186636296]
  68. Cloning Webapps Without Cool Down Period After Value Change [#186662250]
  69. Issue with Overriding Settings by Device [#186630789]
  70. BugSnag: Error in Setting 'last_fetch_date' Property in User Invites [#186644573]
  71. Enhanced Stacktrace Grouping in User BugSnag Reports [#186709922]
  72. AxiosError in Currency App: Unauthorized Request Failure [#186740000]
  73. Unhandled Rejection Error in Currency App Due to Unauthorized Request [#186739999]
  74. BugSnag: Playlist Editor Client Width Reading Error [#186737258]
  75. Syntax Error in QA Auto Test Scripts [#186691242]
  76. BugSnag: UET Reference Error Detection [#186737246]
  77. Local Development Reference Error: generateId Undefined [#186693666]
  78. Local Development Reference Error: generateRequestId Undefined [#186693400]
  79. Local Development Test Error Handling [#186690095]
  80. Grouping Test Error in Development Environment [#186672285]
  81. TOS Device Preview Load Failure [#186357076]
  82. General Error in Player Operation [#186603737]
  83. BugSnag: Case Conversion Error in Campaigns List [#186644722]
  84. Network Error Handling Improvement: Stream Connection Issues [#186771144]
  85. Founders Table Devices Offline Issue in TOS Environment [#186780498]
  86. API Call Errors: 404 Not Found and 503 Service Unavailable Issues [#186357079]
  87. Type Error in Player: 'r.next' Functionality Issue [#186735234]
  88. USB Provisioning Error During Process [#186566853]
  89. Type Error in Player: Video Playback Issue Due to Undefined Property [#186675146]
  90. Frequent Cache Misses Detected [#186681074]
  91. Static Asset Caching Issue in User PWA Browser [#186794953]
  92. Invalid Token Error in Player Operation [#186782471]
  93. GitHub Source Pulling Issue for Webapps [#186561802]
  94. Handling of Invalid Google Analytics Error in js_user Script [#186693152]
  95. Incorrect Documentation Link Provided in User Interface [#186625869]
  96. Unhandled Rejection Handler Error Identification [#186785146]
  97. Validation Process Failure [#186737240]
  98. Unexpected Token Error Discovery [#186824491]
  99. Long Text Causing App Override Creation Issue [#186692681]
  100. Player Exception: Object Not Functioning as Expected [#186791048]
  101. Type Error: Empty Array Reduction Without Initial Value [#186824438]
  102. Authentication Error in Player Environment [#186750691]
  103. Type Error in Kinesis Relay: Undefined 'enabled' Property [#186750691]
  104. Account Billing Plan Operational Error [#186824398]
  105. Exception in Accounts Service Questionnaire Processing [#186850448]
  106. MongoDB Command Error in go_account Services [#186649013]
  107. Unknown Stack Issue in Method Operation [#186848572]
  108. Scheduler Context Deadline Exceedance Error [#186751723]
  109. String Handling Error in go_services Module [#186821511]
  110. Context Deadline Exceedance Error in go_services Module [#186848579]
  111. String Handling Error in go_services Module [#186821288]
  112. Fmt.wrapError Discovery in Unknown Method [#186821595]
  113. Resize Observer Loop Completion without Notification Delivery [#186824375]
  114. Unhandled Rejection Error in Player Operation [#186669644]
  115. Empty Message Error on Start/Login Screen [#186859603]
  116. Oversized Icons in Network Setup Inputs [#186680531]
  117. Power Property Undefined Error in Device Defaults [#186644553]
  118. RSS Feed Application Non-Functional [#186628394]
  119. Incomplete Customer Data in Reports [DEV-4097]

Major New Features

  1. Update the mongodb cluster in prod from v3.6 to v6 [#186357034]

Other New Features

  1. Ensure Deletion of Removed User Groups from Folders [DEV-4773]
  2. Implemented Support for MongoDB Stable API [DEV-4507]
  3. Enhanced Device Query Optimization [DEV-4745]
  4. Allow users to set Webapp-only mode as a Device Default option. Backend part only [DEV-4557]
  5. Turn Canva design into image during template duplication. Backend part only [#186494267]
  6. Refactored Media Subtitles to Synchronize with Validity Parameters [#186587833]
  7. Blur ad page thumbnail in the player when it is filtered out. Backend part only [#186494250]
  8. Enhanced Algorithm for File Uploads [DEV-4680]


  1. Resolved Incorrect Uptime Values in Admin Application[DEV-4705]
  2. Media displaying outside of validity dates. Backend part only [#86532221]
  3. Correction of Apps Counter in Billing During Active Playlist Publishing[DEV-4654]