returns information about specific device
Device DTO
"description": string,
"id": string,
"location": string,
"last_seen_ip": string,
"chrome_device_id": string,
"physical_web_url": string,
"tags": []string,
"chromecast": string, //Chromecast device ID
"playing_until": datetime,
"playing_page_id": string,
"online": bool,
"notify_on_offline": bool,
"online_notification_sent": bool,
"notify_on_play_failure": bool,
"play_notification_sent": bool,
"debug_mode": bool,
"pause_mode": bool,
"provisioning_id": string,
"connection_count": int,
"content_bandwidth": int, //The value in bytes that is fetched from Telemetry sources.This value is resetted each month.
"content_bandwidth_month": int, // value to track current month
"bandwidth_1h": int, // bytes. Bandwidth for an hour
"bandwidth_24h": int, //bytes. bandwidth for a day
"language": string, // player language
"log_level": int, // severity level of logs
"seen_from_date": datetime, // The latest datetime when the websocket stream became connected
"last_seen_date": datetime, // The latest datetime when the websocket stream is known to be connected
"last_online": int, // Unix time when the app/player started/stopped. But if websocket disconnected, then we assume that the app/player is stopped.
"last_system_on": int, // Unix time when the system/hardware powered on/off. But if websocket disconnected, then we assume that the system/hardwere is powered off.
"disabled": bool,
"billing_disabled": bool,
"path": string,
"log_responses": bool,
"options": {
"persistent": bool,
"name": bool,
"bufferSize": int,
"bitrate": int,
"dataBits": string,
"parityBit": string,
"stopBits": string,
"ctsFlowControl": bool,
"receiveTimeout": int,
"sendTimeout": int
"serial_commands": {
"item": [
"command": string,
"type": string,
"specificTimeframe": bool,
"startHour": string,
"endHour": string,
"startMinute": string,
"endMinute": string,
"specificTime": {
"hour": string,
"minute": string,
"second": string
"time": string,
"specificDay": []string
"video_sync_start": string,
"video_sync_end": string,
"cache_evictions": []datetime,
"active_hours": string,
"restart_time": string,
"days": []string,
"hour": string
"last_player_offline": int,
"locked": bool,
"show_interactive_menu": bool,
"show_blank_screen": bool,
"update_type": string,
"update_hour_of_day": string,
"account_id": string,
"organization_id": string,
"playlist_ids": []string,
"chrome_device_properties": {}, // It comes from Google, various possible keys.
"platform": string,
"api_enabled": string,
"asset_id": string,
"serial_number": string,
"model": string,
"reconnects_count": int,
"errors_count": int,
"uptime_percent": int,
"uptime_unreliable": bool,
"cpu_load_percent": float,
"memory_used_percent": float,
"cache_usage_percent": float,
"cache_miss_rate_24h": float,
"region": string
"updated_at": datetime,
"created_at": datetime